Twizzlers small frag(2-3 polyp) 25 larger*4+) 45
Twizzlers small frag(2-3 polyp) 25 larger*4+) 45
magician wysiwyg 25 snitch wysiwyg 25
magician wysiwyg 25 snitch wysiwyg 25
Pink Hippo 35 cc spitfire 45 RC Spiral 60 all WYSIWYG
Pink Hippo 35 cc spitfire 45 RC Spiral 60 all WYSIWYG
Exosphere Mean green wysiwyg 85
Exosphere Mean green wysiwyg 85
Yameresis 55 a head
Yameresis 55 a head
Mary Jane small frag 25 large 40
Mary Jane small frag 25 large 40
Playboy Bunnies small frag 25 large 45
Playboy Bunnies small frag 25 large 45
Twizzler WYSIWYG 75
Twizzler WYSIWYG 75
Butt Muncher wysiwyg 55
Butt Muncher wysiwyg 55
Tequilla Sunrise Rhodactis 100 Marvin the Martian wysiwyg 100
Tequilla Sunrise Rhodactis 100 Marvin the Martian wysiwyg 100
Tequilla Sunrise 100
Tequilla Sunrise 100
Rainbow Hornets small frag 30 large 55
Rainbow Hornets small frag 30 large 55
Phantom Menace WYSIWYG 55 Marvin THe martian JF Buzzfill cyphaestra WYSIWYG 100 WWC Laffy Taffy small frag 30 large 45 cc spitfire small 30 large 5 Nightmare small frag 40 large 100 hh deathstar 50 a polyp5
Phantom Menace WYSIWYG 55 Marvin THe martian JF Buzzfill cyphaestra WYSIWYG 100 WWC Laffy Taffy small frag 30 large 45 cc spitfire small 30 large 5 Nightmare small frag 40 large 100 hh deathstar 50 a polyp5
King Midas WYSIWYG 20 WWC Laffy Taffy/Marvin the Martian Combo 100 Smurf Blood mini colony 100 Twizzler WYSIWYG 85
King Midas WYSIWYG 20 WWC Laffy Taffy/Marvin the Martian Combo 100 Smurf Blood mini colony 100 Twizzler WYSIWYG 85
Blasto 20 a head
Blasto 20 a head
Jawbreaker Disco Large 700
Jawbreaker Disco Large 700
No Name 20
No Name 20
Fruit Loops WYSIWYG 45
Fruit Loops WYSIWYG 45
HH death Star 50 a polyp Campfire 40 polyp
HH death Star 50 a polyp Campfire 40 polyp
•	HH death Star 50 a polyp Campfire 40 polyp
• HH death Star 50 a polyp Campfire 40 polyp
Tequilla Sunrise Rhodactis 100
Tequilla Sunrise Rhodactis 100
Golden Disco 15
Golden Disco 15
Smurf Blood small frag 20 large 45
Smurf Blood small frag 20 large 45
HH death Star 50 a polyp Campfire 40 polyp
HH death Star 50 a polyp Campfire 40 polyp
HH death Star 50 a polyp Campfire 40 polyp rainbow infuson wysiwyg 10
HH death Star 50 a polyp Campfire 40 polyp rainbow infuson wysiwyg 10
Impastas WYSIWYG 40
Impastas WYSIWYG 40
Oregon Tort 45 a frag
Oregon Tort 45 a frag
Orange Oxide Bob Marley Scrambled eggs gobstopper each frag 25
Orange Oxide Bob Marley Scrambled eggs gobstopper each frag 25
Orange Oxide Bob Marley Scrambled eggs gobstopper each frag 25
Orange Oxide Bob Marley Scrambled eggs gobstopper each frag 25
blow pops fruit loops impasta 3 random zoas each frag 25
blow pops fruit loops impasta 3 random zoas each frag 25
People eater 15  CB White Zombie 35 a polyp
People eater 15 CB White Zombie 35 a polyp
NIrvana pandora gobstopper eac frag 25
NIrvana pandora gobstopper eac frag 25
Green Duncan 25
Green Duncan 25
Toadstool leather 25 a frag
Toadstool leather 25 a frag
Aussie Sinularia large frags 50
Aussie Sinularia large frags 50
Black Krak Burning ember small frags 45
Black Krak Burning ember small frags 45
MIami Vice small frag 2-3 polyps 45 JF Sonic flare WYSIWYG 75 Nightmare WYSIWYG 125 Captain Jerks have as many as you want for free
MIami Vice small frag 2-3 polyps 45 JF Sonic flare WYSIWYG 75 Nightmare WYSIWYG 125 Captain Jerks have as many as you want for free
Seahawk Rhodactis 30 a frag
Seahawk Rhodactis 30 a frag
Grim Reaper small frag 35 Acid reflux wysiwyg 125
Grim Reaper small frag 35 Acid reflux wysiwyg 125
Kermit the Frog  WYSIWYG 45
Kermit the Frog WYSIWYG 45
Pickachu morph small frag 2-3 polyps 50
Pickachu morph small frag 2-3 polyps 50
Pink Dragon WYSIWYG 35
Pink Dragon WYSIWYG 35
RC strat 2-3 polyps 50
RC strat 2-3 polyps 50
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